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About Us

Discover our history

Founded in 2009 by the painter and therapist Fernanda das Neves , ARTESSÊNCIA – Academy of Arts and Sciences  - For the Expansion of Creative Consciousness  have as a mission  contribute  for the Conscious Evolution of the Human Being towards Good and Love  Greater through the Arts… Especially the Plastic Arts… And the sciences of creativity.


ARTESSÊNCIA activities focus on the Arts as a vehicle for the development and expansion of the consciousness of Beings  in the sense of  your greatest creativity and Human quality.  


Its objectives are:

  1. Facilitate paths by accompanying everyone, whoever so chooses, in the meeting with the  your essence  and  with  the Primordial Essence.

  2. Foster rapprochement  from the Beings to yours  households  for  what  sharing  of communication make them more awake…. more aware … wiser  

  3. Provide  The  conscious participation in life  present … in the here and now of their own lives.

Who is Fernanda das Neves?

Artist  Plastic/Painter, Interior Designer, Creator, Author,  writer,  accountant  in  Stories,  Therapist  in  Reiki, of  TRMI  Techniques  in  Regression  gives  Memory  Unconscious  and  in  " The power  Curator  gives  Color", Instructor  in  Meditation,  coach  in  IEE  -  Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence, Creator and Mentor of the Arts – Academy of Arts and Sciences for the Expansion of Creative, Entrepreneurial Consciousness.

Activist for the preservation of Life … for the equality of rights and gender of all Beings … For Peace in all forms … for the expansion of Cosmic Consciousness  and Reconnection to the Divine… 

"I have always felt that Artis the vehicle for the encounter with the inner truth"

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