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the power of color

6/8 DAY RETREAT with 4 intense experiences

4 transforming experiences where through the expansion of our creative awareness we connect   with the essence that we are and we access the clarification of emotions "stuck" in matrices of repetition to bring them  to conscience to self-heal…  we only cure what we understand...


4 Self-healing Meditations

As we meditate, we connect with the Divine Energy within us … with our   essence   …  with  The  Wow  Conscience  Higher…  The  what  everything knows  about us... and we received  the information of what is essential to cure… identifying them we bring them to our consciousness… and it becomes clear what to cure.


Psychomagic Games in 4 Steps

"You  Psycho-Magic Games@” are a systemic method that allows through the artistic expression of our Soul  build an image where what is to be healed … the most pressing emotional and relational problem … is transformed into a map that  show  a healing path … the Energetic resolution of the emotional and relational problem whose matrix of repetition is the  more painful…”




PLACES : Ericeira / Mafra

DATES : July / August

VALUES and PROGRAM: See attached table (see here)

PRE-REGISTRATION:  online scheduling

What our personal history tells us

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PRE-REGISTRATION:  online scheduling

To schedule
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